so i've been back in america for 6 days...more or less. i'm still adjusting to the time change and the food and the convenience of everything, but it's been great.
a personal update that needs to be addressed is the Lester Dinsmore (my pop pop) died on November 26, 2006 at 5:05 a.m. while we were in Delaware for Thanksgiving. i was there in the hospital with him all night and was holding his hand when he passed on. it's been a rough start to my experience home. please keep Grace (his wife) in your prayers. she's obviously having a hard time and it's going to be a big transition for her. she lives alone now far from her family and friends.
ok...on a bright note, i made it back safely. i did have a little of a rough start when i burnt my hand in the bathroom at the airport in jo-burg. i turned the hot water on (obviously not expecting it to work) and burnt myself. later i ordered a regal sandwich (some thai chicken thing with alfalfa sprouts and peanuts and a sesame dressing) and almost missed my flight because i was overwhelmed by the whole thing. i had to throw money at the waiter and get a to-go box because i needed to take it with me on the plane. i also was talking to people in portuguese when i was in the airport. not on purpose (i'm not meredith), but because i had just left mozambique and was still adjusting to the idea that i no longer had to speak anything but english!
i'm going to chicago for a few days to see my ladies! i can't wait. it's been so long and i can't wait to catch up and hang out with them. i've already seen a few of my friends from home, including Lisa, so it's been great. i can't believe people told me nothing's changed or been going on since i've been gone, they've been lying. so much is different!
while i'm home i'm using my dad's cell phone so you can call that or our home number. it's the same. or you can always email me. i don't have a job so i've got a lot of free time. for example, i'm at work with Lisa right now because i can be. i'm using her super fast internet and taking advantage of the comfortable chairs. God Bless America....ha!